Connecting for Caring (C4C) is a multi-level prevention, awareness-building, education and intervention project that was developed by the Center for Research and Practice in School Psychology of the University of Athens in cooperation with the Society for School and Family Consultation and Research, and is implemented with the generous donation of Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Scientific project leader is Chryse (Sissy) Hatzichristou, Professor of School Psychology in the University of Athens, Greece. 
This project is based on a holistic approach to foster positive development, adjustment and support of children and adolescents in the school and in the family. It is a scientific-based project from current international and Greek literature that aims to combine scientific knowledge, research and practice in order to provide useful knowledge and promote best practices for teachers, parents, administrators, mental health professionals, but also for school age and adolescent children.The main goal of the program is to make accessible current theoretical and practical knowledge to a large number of people (teachers, parents, administrators, children and adolescents, mental health professionals) utilizing the opportunities offered by modern technology. Especially in stressful times, like the one that we are facing, it is highly important to empower all those who are important to children’s lives in order to be able support children appropriately

For more information click here

 (Hatzichristou, 2015, 2014, 2013. Hatzichristou, Adamopoulou, & Lampropoulou, 2014. Hatzichristou, & Adamopoulou, 2013. Hatzichristou, Kati, Georgouleas, Likitsakou, & Yfanti, 2012. Hatzichristou, Yfanti, & Georgouleas, 2012. Stasinou & Hatzichristou, 2016)