Completed Programs

Project of psychosocial support and promotion of resilience in school communities after natural disasters (the case of fire) (2018-2019).

Participants: 8 Kindergartens & 8 Elementary Schools of Eastern Attica

For almost a decade CRSPS has organized a number of building awareness seminars and workshops regarding crisis management in the school community. Additionally, a crisis preparedness and intervention model has been proposed that incorporates key SEL components and resilience factors, and leads to the development of action plans for responding and providing support in a crisis situation (Hatzichristou, Issari, Lampropoulou, Lykitsakou & Dimitropoulou, 2011; Hatzichristou et al, 2012). Over the years this model has been implemented in a number of crises on a local and national scale (e.g. wildfires in Peloponnese, H1N1-flu crisis).

 Psychosocial and learning support of culturally-diverse children

 Education of “Roma” Children

 During the school years 2011-2015, CRSPS in collaboration with the  Center for Intercultural Education of the University of Athens      implemented an EU-funded project under the title ‘Education of Roma  Children’. The Roma are the largest ethnic minority in the EU with  more than 10 million members, mostly concentrated in the Balkan  countries. Among all the European populations, they are considered at  greatest risk of being poor, uneducated and unemployed. Roma  children often accumulate a number of social and individual  handicaps, while their inclusion in the education system is considered  a challenge (UNESCO, 2010).

The aim of the program

The aim of the program is the development of a positive climate in the school environment in order to reinforce the individual and group resilience as well as the promotion and development of internal strengths, motivation and skills in the school environment. An important goal of this program is to offer to the educators an opportunity to strengthen their own resilience and, at the same time, to offer them a proposal for student support and empowerment in the classroom as well as the development of a supportive network for the school community (at large) by covering the intense needs for psychological support which have emerged from the current economic crisis

The Program for the promotion of mental health and learning (PPMHL) integrates empirical data with recent theoretical approaches in school mental health. The program’s particular characteristics include linking current relevant theory and research with practice, adjusting to the needs of students in the Greek cultural and educational setting, emphasizing “typical” instead of atypical behavior, and using multi-dimensional and multi-method assessment (evidence- based intervention).