"Routes in the city I": Program for the interconnection of school communities and the enhancement of resilience during difficult times
In continuation of the actions of the Laboratory of School Psychology (LSP) to support school communities in crisis, the scientific team of the LSP developed a series of actions for the response to the emerging needs of school communities in the period of the pandemic of COVID-19. These initiatives included:
Program for the psychosocial support of refugee children and their families in school communities responding to the psychological needs of children / adolescents facing traumatic experiences (2015-2018)
Project of psychosocial support and promotion of resilience in school communities after natural disasters (the case of fire) (2018-2019).
Participants: 8 Kindergartens & 8 Elementary Schools of Eastern Attica
For almost a decade CRSPS has organized a number of building awareness seminars and workshops regarding crisis management in the school community. Additionally, a crisis preparedness and intervention model has been proposed that incorporates key SEL components and resilience factors, and leads to the development of action plans for responding and providing support in a crisis situation (Hatzichristou, Issari, Lampropoulou, Lykitsakou & Dimitropoulou, 2011; Hatzichristou et al, 2012). Over the years this model has been implemented in a number of crises on a local and national scale (e.g. wildfires in Peloponnese, H1N1-flu crisis).
Read more: Fostering development, adjustment and support during crisis and recession