Hatzichristou, C., Stasinou, V., Lampropoulou, A., & Lianos, P. (2020). Adolescents’ perceptions of school climate: Exploring its protective role in times of economic recession. School Psychology International.
Hatzichristou, C., Lampropoulou, A., & Lianos, P.G. (2019). Social justice principles as core concepts in school psychology: Training, research and practice at a transnational level. School Psychology International, 1–20, DOI: 10.1177/0143034319892031
Hatzichristou, C., Stasinou, V., Lampropoulou, A., & Lianos, P. (2018). Adolescents’ perceptions of school climate: Exploring its protective role in times of economic recession, School Psychology International, 39 (6), 606-624. doi.org/10.1177/
Hatzichristou, C., et al. (2017). Individual and contextual factors contributing to the psychosocial adjustment of elementary and high school students in the Greek schools. School Psychology Quarterly.
Hatzichristou C., Lianos, P. G., & Lampropoulou, A. (2017). Cultural Construction of Promoting Resilience and Positive School Climate during the Economic Crisis in Greek Schools. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 1-15, doi: 10.1080/21683603.2016.1276816 (published online: 03 Feb 2017)
Hatzichristou C, & Lianos, P. G. (2016). Social and emotional learning in the Greek educational system: An Ithaca journey. International Journal of Emotional Education (special issue), 8(2), 105-127.
Lianos, P.G. (2015). Parenting and social competence in school: The role of preadolescents' personality traits. Journal of Adolescence, 41, 109-120.
Lam, S. F., Jimerson, S., Shin, H., Cefai, C., Veiga, F. H., Hatzichristou, C., Polychroni, F., Kikas, E., Wong, B.P.H., Stanculescu, E., Basnett, J., Duck, R., Farrell, P., Liu, Y., Negovan, V., Nelson, B., Yang, H., & Zollneritsch, J. (2015). Cultural Universality and Specificity of Student Engagement in School: The Results of an International Study from 12 Countries. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 1-17.
Hatzichristou, C. & Oakland, T. (Eds). (2014) International Journal of School and Educational Psychology. Special issue: Academic and Professional Preparation of School and Educational Psychologists: International Perspectives.
Hatzichristou, C. & Polychroni, F. (2014). The preparation of school psychologists in Greece. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology. Special issue: Academic and Professional Preparation of School and Educational Psychologists: International Perspectives, 2(3), 154-165.
Lam, S-F., Jimerson, S., Wong, B., Kikas, E., Shin, H., Veiga, F. H., Hatzichristou, C., Polychroni, F., Cefai, C., Negovan, V., Stanculescu, E., Yang, H., Liu, Y., Basnett, J., Duck, R., Farrell, P., Nelson B., & Zollneritsch, J. (2014). Understanding and Measuring Student Engagement in School: The Results of an International Study From 12 Countries. School Psychology Quarterly, 29 (2), 213–232.
Oakland, Τ. & Hatzichristou, C. (2014) Professional Preparation in School Psychology: A Summary of Information from Programs in Seven Countries. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 2(3), 223-230.
Oakland,T. & Hatzichristou,C. (2014). International perspectives on academic and professional preparation of school and educational psychologists: Introduction to a special issue of the International Journal of School & Educational Psychology. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 2 (3), 150-153.
Lam, S,F, Jimerson, S, Kikas, E, Cefai, C, Veiga, F. H., Nelson, B., Hatzichristou C., Polychroni F., Basnett, J., Duck, R., Farrell, P., Liu, Y., Negovan, V., Shin, H., Stanculescu, E., Wong, B.P.H, Yang, H., Zollneritsch, J. (2012). Do girls and boys perceive themselves as equally engaged in school? The results of an international study from 12 countries. Journal of School Psychology, 50 (1), 77-94.
Polychroni, F. Hatzichristou, C., & Sideridis, G. (2012). The role of goal orientations and goal structures in explaining classroom social and affective characteristics. Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 207–217.
Hatzichristou, C., Issari, P., Lampropoulou, A., Lykitsakou, K. & Dimitropoulou, P. (2011). The development of a multi-level model for crisis prevention and intervention in the Greek educational system. School Psychology International, 32 (5), 464-483.
Newell, M.L., Nastasi, B.K., Hatzichristou, C., Jones, J.M., Schanding, G.T., Jr. & Yetter, G.P. (2010). Evidence on multicultural training in school psychology: Recommendations for future directions. School Psychology Quarterly, 25 (4), 249-278.
Oakland, T. & Hatzichristou,C. (2010). Temperament Styles of Greek and US Children. School Psychology International, 31 (4), 422-437.
Συμμετοχές σε Διεθνή Συνέδρια
44ᵗʰ International School Psychology Association Conference, July 5-9, 2023, Bologna, Italy
Εισηγήσεις με τη συμμετοχή μεταπτυχιακών φοιτητών/τριών (ενδεικτικές)
• Arvanitakis, L. Resilience and teacher perceptions regarding the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Αn integrative approach for linking training, supervision, research and practice: Critical aspects and implications.
• Castro, L., Karamousoulis, M., Delivorias, P., Delmando de Freitas, D., Kaur, L., &Malucelli, T. Job opportunities and career pathways in cross-cultural contexts. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Cultural differences across School Psychology: Graduate students’ perspective.
• Filippatou, D., &Dourou, I. Academic emotions and reading motivation in students with and without learning disabilities.
• Gentili Perez, M., Paragyiou, E., Mittelstet, A., Holland, S., Kaur., L., Ascari, B., Dini, C., Corridore, S., & Russo, A. A closer look at school psychology training across nations. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Cultural differences across School Psychology: Graduatestudents’ perspective.
• Georgakakou-Koutsonikou, N. &Chatzichristou, G. Returning to the new “normal”: An example of a tiered approach to support a secondary school in Greece. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Tailoring interventions to respond to student needs: the provision of school psychological services in diverse contexts.
• Georgopalis, P. The subjective well-being of refugee children attending music groups: a qualitative case study. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Tailoring interventions to respond to student needs: the provision of school psychological services in diverse contexts
• Georgouleas, G., Lampropoulou, A., Yfanti, T., Georganti, A., Nikolopoulou, V., &Hatzichristou, C. Linking school psychology training, supervision and provision of school psychological services in the school community. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο An integrative approach for linking training, supervision, research and practice: Critical aspects and implications.
• Gkatzonis, A. Teachers’ perceptions of multicultural preparedness and multicultural self- efficacy in Greek educational settings. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο An integrative approach for linking training, supervision, research and practice: Critical aspects and implications.
• Hatzichristou, C. Symposium Chair: Graduate student special session: Fostering international involvement and collaboration.
• Paragyiou, E., Vathi, M., Kapelle, G., &Lianos, P. University and community-based school mental health services collaboration: Implementation of a first tier SEL program in a Greek elementary school. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Tailoring interventions to respond to student needs: The provision of school psychological services in diverse contexts.
• Petsis, L., Georgopalis, P., Papastavrou, Z., Papazisi, C., Paraschi, D., Arapantzi, L., &Karamousoulis. Contextual parameters for student psychosocial and learning adjustment in school: School culture and system dynamics. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Cultural differences across School Psychology: Graduate students’ perspective.
• Vathi, M., Lorenzetti, L., Holland, S., & Dini, C. The role of school psychologist internationally: Challenges and future directions. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Cultural differences across School Psychology: Graduate students’ perspective.
43ʳᵈ International School Psychology Association Conference, 7-10 July, 2022, Leuven, Belgium
Keynote presentation: Hatzichristou, C. Supporting school and educational communities during unsettling times: A multilevel approach of linking theory, research, training and practice.
• Athanasiou, D., Fragiadaki, D., Yfanti, T., &Chatzichristou, G. “Feeling CARED in School: A Journey Around the World” project: Students’ perspectives. Εισήγησηστοσυμπόσιο A multilevel approach of training and provision of school psychological services in various educational contexts.
• Chouchoumis, G. Greek parents' perceptions of anxiety, resilience and children's’ adjustment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Assessing needs and resources during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Greek schools: Teachers’, parents’, students’ and psychologists’ perceptions.
• Chouchoumis, G., &Tsogka. Τ. Online school-based intervention: A case study. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο A multilevel approach of training and provision of school psychological services in various educational contexts.
• Fragkiadaki, D., Yfanti, T., Athanasiou, D., Lampropoulou, A., &Hatzichristou, C. Development of resources for the psychosocial support of school communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο A multilevel approach of training and provision of school psychological services in various educational contexts.
• Georgakakou-Koutsonikou, N. Promoting mental health during challenging times: An example of a multi-tiered approach to support a secondary school in Greece. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο A multilevel approach of training and provision of school psychological services in various educational contexts.
• Grypari, E., &Peppa, V. Professional Quality of Life, Needs and Resources of Psychologists working in the Greek Educational System during COVID-19 pandemic. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Assessing needs and resources during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Greek schools: Teachers’, parents’, students’ and psychologists’ perceptions ”.
• Grypari, E., &Peppa, V. Supporting the supporters: a journey of providing online indirect school psychological services to significant others through the pandemic. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο “A multilevel approach of training and provision of school psychological services in various educational contexts.
• Kalarytis, G. Teachers' perceptions of anxiety and students' learning and psycho-social adjustment during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Greek educational system. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Assessing needs and resources during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Greek schools: Teachers’, parents’, students’ and psychologists’ perceptions.
• Lampropoulou, A., Georgakakou-Koutsonikou, N., Lianos, P., &Hatzichristou, C. The emerging needs of school communities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece: Teachers’, parents’ and students’ perceptions. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Assessing needs and resources during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Greek schools:Teachers’, parents’, students’ and psychologists’ perceptions.
• Lampropoulou, A., Hatzichristou, C., Nikolopoulou, V., &Lianos, P. A multilevel training and intervention approach for enhancing professional competence and supporting school communities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece.Εισήγησηστοσυμπόσιο A multilevel approach of training and provision of school psychological services in various educational contexts.
• Peppa, V., &Grypari, E. Provision of School Psychological Services in the Greek educational system before and during COVID-19 pandemic: Psychologists’ perceptions. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Assessing needs and resources during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Greek schools: Teachers’, parents’, students’ and psychologists’ perceptions.
• Tsogka. Τ. Teachers' Perceptions of Professional Quality of Life and Resilience in the Greek Educational System during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Εισήγηση στο συμπόσιο Assessing needs and resources during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Greek schools: Teachers’, parents’, students’ and psychologists’ perceptions.