International “WeC.A.R.E.” Program is a long-distance Teach-ers’ Specialized Training and Intervention Program that was developed to promote positive school climate and to strength-en resilience in the school community and to create cultural bridges and interconnection between schools with the partici-pation of teachers, school psychologists and students.

“WeC.A.R.E.” is part of the wider multilevel awareness building, prevention and intervention program «ConnectingforCaring-C4C» (http://www.connecting4caring.gr/en/content/video-c4c)  that was developed by the Center for Research and Practice of School Psychology, University of Athens (CRPSP), (www.centerschoolpsych.psych.uoa.gr) and the Society for School and Family Consultation and Research (SSFCR) (www.esose.gr).

The international Program “WeC.A.R.E.” was a long-distance Teachers’ Specialized Training and Intervention Program that was developed to promote positive school climate, to strengthen resilience in the school community and to create cultural bridges and interconnection between schools, with the participation of teachers, school psychologists and students. “WeC.A.R.E.” was part of the wider multilevel awareness building, prevention and intervention program «ConnectingforCaring-C4C»)  that was developed by the Center for Research and Practice of School Psychology, University of Athens (CRPSP), (www.centerschoolpsych.psych.uoa.gr) and the Society for School and Family Consultation and Research (SSFCR) (www.esose.gr).

Project Director: Prof. Chryse Hatzichristou, University of Athens, Greece.

The main Goals of International Program "WeC.A.R.E." were:

-To support children, teachers and schools, especially during the difficult times of economic hardship and other unsettling events.

-To create bridges that will promote cultural understanding, collaboration and collective action.

-To build resilience and foster positive attitude in the classroom.

-To build an international network of schools as caring communities, in collaboration with university faculty members and psychological associations in

Greece, USA and other countries.


Participants (2012-2016)

The last four years, in the International Program “WeC.A.R.E” schools from 13 countries have participated: Greece, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Ireland, Canada, Cyprus, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Ethiopia and Australia. In an effort to make the International Program WeC.A.R.E. available to a wider, international, non-Greek-speaking audience, during the 2013-2014 academic year we also run an all-English pilot group. This included teachers and students from English-speaking classes in Greece, Belgium and the United States.

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